Thousands of individuals depend on Uber and Lyft to get them from place to place on a daily basis around Austin, Texas. However, what happens if a person sustains an injury or property damage as a result of an accident involving a rideshare vehicle. At Hill Law Firm, we are here to help if you need an Austin Uber and Lyft accident attorney by your side. We have the resources necessary to investigate every aspect of these claims and make sure that you recover total compensation for your losses.
Why Choose Hill Law Firm for Your Austin Uber and Lyft Accident Case?
- At Hill Law Firm, our team has an extensive track record of success securing major settlements and jury verdicts on behalf of clients throughout the state of Texas.
- Our Austin personal injury attorney has extensive knowledge of vehicle accident laws, as well as the policies of rideshare insurance companies.
- We handle Uber and Lyft accident cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that our clients will not have to worry about paying any legal fees until after we recover the compensation they need.
How Will an Attorney Help an Uber and Lyft Accident Claim in Austin?
An attorney is going to be necessary for an Uber or Lyft accident claim in Austin. These cases are more challenging than most people realize, particularly when working to determine liability and getting the rideshare company’s insurance carrier to pay their fair share.
A skilled lawyer will fully investigate the crash, determine liability, and handle all communication with the insurance carriers and companies involved. They will also make sure that their client is fully evaluated by medical and economic experts who can help calculate total expected losses.
Who Pays For Your Injuries After an Austin Uber or Lyft Accident?
- If an accident is caused by an Uber or Lyft driver, we have to look at the tiered insurance system in place with these rideshare companies.
- If a driver is not working (meaning they are not signed into the rideshare app) when they cause a collision, then their personal insurance carrier will be responsible for paying compensation to injury in property damage victims.
- If a driver is working but does not have a passenger or is not on the way to pick one up when they cause an accident, then their personal insurance carrier will still be primarily responsible for paying compensation to victims in a crash. In the event the personal carrier denies the claim or does not have enough coverage, Uber and Lyft have supplemental policies that may help cover the expenses.
- If a driver is working and has a passenger or is on the way to pick one up when they cause a crash, then both Uber and Lyft have at least $1 million and liability insurance for their drivers that will cover every party involved.
Call Our Experienced Austin Uber and Lyft Accident Attorney Today
If you or somebody you care about has been injured as a result of an accident involving a rideshare vehicle in the Austin, Texas, area, reach out to the team at Hill Law Firm immediately. We have the resources necessary to handle every aspect of these claims on your behalf. The goal of our rideshare and bus accident attorney in Austin is to make sure that we determine liability and help you recover full compensation for your losses. When you need an Austin Uber and Lyft accident lawyer, you can contact us by clicking here for a free consultation or calling us at (210) 960-3939.