Our Blog
Oil and Gas Workers Have a Right to a Safe Workplace Too
Consider this to be a cautionary tale for those employers who have workers at oil and gas facilities throughout Texas, including those working in the Eagle Ford Shale. Your workers have a right to a safe workplace, and if something bad happens, it could come back to haunt you. This is why it is…
If Your Vehicle is Recalled, What Are Your Rights?
Over the past several years especially, we have seen a rash of auto recalls, as manufacturers try to make their vehicles safer and safety officials try to make sure vehicle manufacturers are not flooding the roads with unsafe vehicles. A recall can affect a few dozen vehicles or it can affect hundreds of thousands…
What’s Happened to Our Roads In the Last Century? Not Enough
Sunday, November 18 marked the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. The purpose of this day is to be a reminder of the human tragedies that lie behind all of the horrible data related to traffic crashes. According to auto historians, the first few years when people started taking to the streets…

San Antonio PD Has Been Cracking Down Hard on DWI
For drivers in San Antonio, it may seem as if you have seen an uptick in the number of drunk driving stories on the TV news or in the local newspaper in recent months, you are not imagining things. Police agencies all over Texas have been cracking down on those who make the irresponsible choice…
TxDOT Identifies the Worst Spots for San Antonio Crashes
On November 7 of this year, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) commemorated an anniversary everyone in Texas should want to relive. You see, that marked the 18th anniversary of the last day in the state of Texas without a road fatality. Here is their Tweet: Since Nov. 7, 2000, at least one person…
Driving Safely Around Emergency Vehicles
On any given day on any Texas road, you can be driving along and minding your own business when you suddenly hear sirens wailing and it causes a slight panic. Are they targeting you? You look up at the rearview mirror and see emergency lights flashing. There is an emergency somewhere, so what do…
Two Food Recalls Texans Should Be Aware Of
In the last few days, two food recalls have been announced that everyone should be aware of. One has to do with possible food poisoning, while the other involves the potential for undeclared milk products that could pose health problems for those with allergies. Don’t Lick the Cake Batter Spoon! The first recall, announced…
The Most Dangerous Spots for Traffic in Bexar County
We all have dealt with traffic in San Antonio and throughout Texas, and we all know that the number of accidents is too high. Well, according to new data from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), if you think there are a lot of car crashes, you’re right. There were more than 50,000 crashes…
Millions of Pounds of Prepared Foods Recalled for Salmonella and Listeria
This latest series of recalls may make you want to think twice about some of those grab-and-go food items from your local grocery store or convenience for a while. Earlier this week, a recall was issued for millions of pounds of ready to eat salads and other foods, including burritos, wraps, pizzas and entrees…

The Danger of Driving Any Vehicle Under the Influence; Bikes, Scooters, Even Wheelchairs
Thankfully, it seems that more and more Texas drivers are getting the idea about drinking and driving. People seem more aware than ever of the dangers of drinking and driving. Some of the credit can go to ride-sharing companies like Lyft and Uber, who have made it easier to get a ride home if…