3 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Personal Injury Case

3 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Personal Injury CaseA personal injury case presents an opportunity to seek justice in the form of financial compensation from someone responsible for causing an injury due to negligence, or the failure to act with proper care. While no one can guarantee that a case will succeed, there are steps you can take to strengthen your odds as much as possible.

Get Immediate Medical Attention

Seek medical care for your injuries right away after an accident in Texas. Even if you initially feel fine, your adrenaline from the incident may be masking symptoms such as pain. Do not state to a police officer or insurance adjuster that you are not injured until you have visited a hospital. It is critical to see a doctor immediately for medical testing, injury diagnosis and treatment. This can enhance your chances of making a full recovery.

Prompt medical care will also show an insurance company that you did everything you could to mitigate, or reduce, your injuries. Without early medical intervention, an insurer may argue that you contributed to the extent of your injuries and losses and use this as a reason to reduce your payout. Follow your doctor’s treatment plan exactly and keep copies of all medical bills and records to support your claim.

Collect Strong Evidence

A personal injury claim must be proven based on a “preponderance of the evidence” for a claimant – or plaintiff – to receive a settlement or judgment award. This means the case must be demonstrated as more likely to be true than not true, or true with at least 51 percent certainty, for a jury to find the defendant (accused party) legally responsible for an injury.

Evidence you may be able to collect to strengthen your claim includes:

  • Medical records and injury documentation
  • Receipts and invoices
  • Police reports and accident reports
  • Photographs of the accident site
  • Surveillance or security video footage
  • Eyewitness statements
  • Communication records, such as cell phone records
  • Employment records and proof of lost wages
  • The clothes and shoes you were wearing
  • Opinions and testimony from experts
  • Personal statements or an injury journal

The strength of your evidence can make a major difference to the outcome of your case. The evidence must be clear, convincing and compelling. You should begin gathering evidence as soon as possible after an accident – ideally, while you are still at the scene. Report the accident to the authorities to obtain an official record.

Hire an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

One of the most effective ways to strengthen your claim is by hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer in San Antonio to represent you. A lawyer will understand the laws surrounding your case and how to navigate them to your greatest possible advantage. You can rest and focus on healing from your injuries while your lawyer takes over complicated legal processes for you.

An attorney can investigate the accident in detail, search for and collect evidence to support your case, and handle communications with an insurance company. You can trust your lawyer to negotiate for maximum compensation on your behalf, even if this means taking your case to trial. A lawyer will protect your rights and advocate for your best interests throughout every step of your claim.

To discuss a specific personal injury case with a lawyer in San Antonio at no cost, contact Hill Law Firm Accident & Injury Attorneys.

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