Our Blog

Daycare Accidents Are All too Frequent
Parents and guardians try to carefully choose the right daycare with an eye to keeping their child or children safe from harm. Childcare settings are all about educating children through games and activities. But when something goes wrong, you might begin to question every detail of what goes on at your child’s daycare. Children are…

Texas Defense Contractor Charged With Using Substandard Parts on Military Vehicles
A longtime Fort Worth defense contractor named Ross Hyde has been charged in federal court with making false claims about the type of aluminum he provided under a contract for aircraft landing gear, court records show. He faces up to five years in prison, if convicted. In court documents, Hyde, a machinist, has stated…

How to Have a Safe Fourth of July
The 2019 Independence Day celebration is upon us, which means, for the entire four-day weekend, people in San Antonio, Bexar County and all over Texas and the rest of the country will spend a lot of quality time with family and friends, enjoying cookouts, or spending quality time at the beach or by a…
Study: Some Kids Too Young for Tackle Football
A new study conducted by brain researchers at Boston University, was recently published in the Annals of Neurology that has many parents wondering about letting their kids play tackle football. The study revealed that children who begin playing full-contact tackle football before the age of 12 were more likely to develop many of the…
OSHA Whistleblower Settlement
OSHA Whistleblower Settlement Totals More Than $892k A longtime Amtrak law enforcement employee who lost his job after he raised concern over possible railroad safety, as well as possible fraud and abuse involving a railroad contractor, has gotten his job back and was awarded a settlement of $892,551 by order of the Occupational Safety…
Texas False Claims Act Verdict
$93 million Texas False Claim Act Verdict for Mortgage Violations After a five-week-long trial, last week, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Texas announced that a federal jury in that court had issued a Texas False Claims Act verdict finding that a couple of related mortgage companies, which used to called Allied Home Mortgage…
False Claims Act Recovery
Whistleblower Gets $4M in False Claims Act Recovery In Michigan, a former health information coder at Vibra Hospital of Southeastern Michigan named Sylvia Daniel will soon receive a reward of more than $4 million as a result of a recent settlement of claims that Vibra Healthcare LLC, a national national hospital chain based in Pennsylvania, violated the…
False Claims Act Settlement
$21.5 Million False Claims Act Settlement Against Home Health Care Company Last week, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a False Claims Act settlement with MD2U Holding Company, a home healthcare company with operations in a number of states, after the company admitted a tremendous amount of Medicare fraud, to the point that the company was…
Texas FLSA Overtime Ruling
According to a federal judge for the Western District of Texas, personal trainers who work at Texas locations of Gold’s Gym, which are owned by Gold’s Texas Holding Groups Inc., are not exempt employees, based on definitions laid out in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). What that means is, they are eligible to…
Houston-Based Shell Oil Workers to Get Back Overtime Pay
After the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division investigated eight of their facilities in five states including Texas, the Shell Oil Co. and one of its marketing companies, Motiva Enterprises LLC, will now pay nearly $4.5 million to more than 2,600 workers in their chemical and refinery divisions for back overtime wages….