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On the Job Heat Stroke Risks
Texas workers have to deal with a lot of dangers when they go to work. First, Texas has a poor record when it comes to protecting workers. Also, Texas has a very large number of workers in industries with high incidences of injuries and fatalities. The oil and gas industry, construction industries, and roofers,…

Oil and Gas Workers Need More Protection
As a state, Texas is one of the largest homes of some of the most common locations for the oil and gas industry in the country. Yet, no matter how many jobs are created in that industry, these jobs are almost always among the most dangerous anywhere, Government Statistics Point to a Problem According…
Oil and Gas Workers Have a Right to a Safe Workplace Too
Consider this to be a cautionary tale for those employers who have workers at oil and gas facilities throughout Texas, including those working in the Eagle Ford Shale. Your workers have a right to a safe workplace, and if something bad happens, it could come back to haunt you. This is why it is…
Texas Oilfield Injuries
The Eagle Ford Shale’s oil and natural gas resources have brought a lot of jobs and economic opportunity to our area. Unfortunately, the oil boom also caused some companies to take shortcuts that result in greater risk to oil workers where drilling occurs. At an oil and gas drilling site there is simply no…
Pipeline Explosions and Safety
Recently, a natural gas pipeline explosion sent shock waves through residential neighborhoods and lit up the night sky near the South Texas city of Refugio, a rural community north of Corpus Christi, about 15 miles from the Texas Coast. Witnesses claim they heard a loud boom and that their bed shook them awake. The…
Eagle Ford Health Problems Caused By Oil And Gas Activity
A recent investigative report from the San Antonio Express News has brought attention to what seem to be a series of mysterious health problems that have developed in the years since the Eagle Ford Shale’s unprecedented oil and gas boom. Many people in the area have been suffering from a number of ailments, a…
Oil and Gas Boom Driving More Texas Traffic Fatalities
There is little doubt that the oil and gas boom in the United States has been good for a number of state economies, especially Texas, which has benefited greatly from the boom. Unfortunately, based on recent reports, there is also definitely a downside to the Texas oil and gas boom, in that our state now leads…
Fracking and Silica Inhalation Injuries
Fracking and Silica Inhalation Injuries: A Serious Hidden Problem Recently, the American Industrial Hygiene Association announced that testing conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) suggests that the concentration of silica in the air oil and gas workers breathe often exceeds standards set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration…
Benzene and Silica Oilfield Risks
Oil and gas workers have a lot to worry about in the course of their jobs. According to some measures, their industry’s workplace fatality rate is as much as seven times higher than the average workplace. And one of the greatest hazards facing such workers is the danger inherent in exposure to such chemicals…
Texas Worker Deaths on the Rise
In addition to the devastation to the town itself, the explosion at the West, Texas fertilizer plant has brought the issue of worker and worksite safety into the forefront of the public discussion. Without serious regulations and oversight, employers have once again shown that they will take advantage of workers and will not focus…