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What Are Economic Damages in a Personal Injury Case?
You may encounter many terms you are unfamiliar with during a personal injury case in Texas, including economic damages. Economic damages refer to the real, specific losses you suffered financially because of your accident and injuries. The term is also used to describe the financial compensation available for these losses. Economic Damages vs. Noneconomic…

What Are Special Damages in a Personal Injury Case?   Â
If you are injured by someone else’s careless, wrongful or criminal act in Texas, you may be eligible for financial compensation from that party’s insurance provider. The legal term for this financial compensation is damages. There are two main categories of compensatory damages available to reimburse a victim in a personal injury case in…

Is It Better to Settle Or Go to Court for a Personal Injury Case?
When most people picture personal injury lawsuits, they imagine large courtrooms full of people and full-blown jury trials. Although this is a possibility for a personal injury case in Texas, it is not a probability. The vast majority of personal injury claims settle – they do not go to trial. Knowing what is best…
How to Protect Your Personal Injury Settlement
You might think the work on your case will end when you receive a personal injury settlement. However, there are still steps you need to take to protect the money you receive from an insurance company or defendant. Protecting your settlement means making sure a creditor cannot file a lien against it or take…
Insurance Demand Letter Response Time
Every plaintiff wants a speedy resolution to his or her personal injury case. It may take several weeks or months, however, for an insurance company to investigate your accident and make a decision on your claim. Certain factors can speed up or slow down an insurance company’s response time to your initial demand letter….
What Is the Difference Between Bodily Injury and Personal Injury?
There are many legal terms you may encounter as a plaintiff in a personal injury case. Understanding the industry lingo can help you make more sense of your rights as an injured accident victim. One important distinction is bodily injury vs. personal injury. Although they sound similar, they are used in very different contexts….
Personal Injury Settlement Agreement
A personal injury settlement agreement is one possible resolution for a personal injury case in Texas. It describes a signed agreement between both parties, where the plaintiff agrees to accept a financial award in exchange for releasing the defendant from further liability. A personal injury settlement prevents a case from having to go to…
What Happens After a Deposition in a Personal Injury Case?
It is easy to get hung up on the deposition aspect of a personal injury case in San Antonio; this is the in-person interview process that most plaintiffs focus on as a point of concern or anxiety. Yet it is also important to understand what happens after the deposition as an injured party. A…
Personal Injury Mediation: How the Process Goes
Personal injury mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution, meaning it is an opportunity to resolve a case without taking it to trial. Mediation is either the desired way to avoid a trial or, in some cases, a legal requirement. Learning more about personal injury mediation can help you know what to expect….
Personal Injury Liability: How Liability Is Determined
Liability is a keyword you will hear often during a personal injury case in Texas. In legalese, liability is one party’s legal and financial responsibility for an accident. If someone is liable, that party is responsible for bearing the costs related to the accident, such as medical bills and property repairs. Understanding how liability…