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Many Workplace Accidents Driven by “Invisible” Factors
It is 2020, and a new era in workplace safety has dawned. It is no longer necessary to find yourself hanging from a scaffold or work around fire or on an oily surface in order to risk your life on the job. These days, the constant presence of risk, as well as stress and…

The First Things to Do After a Workplace Accident
Though both federal and Texas workplace safety rules require employers to make all workplaces as safe as possible for their employees, accidents still happen. And when they do happen, Report Your Accident Immediately It is imperative that you report your accident to a supervisor or a safety director at the workplace immediately, whether or…

60,000 Evacuated Following Series of Explosions at Texas Chemical Plant
On the day before Thanksgiving, two explosions at a chemical plant rocked the southeast Texas town of Port Neches and the surrounding area. The explosions occurred at the Texas Petroleum Chemical (TPC) plant in Port Neches and officials were worried enough about the possibility of a series of explosions that they placed about 60,000…

The Most Common Causes of Construction Accidents in Texas
Everyone is aware that construction business is one of the most dangerous in the United States, and certainly that is the case here in Texas. Workplace Accidents of all types happen almost every day, with outcomes ranging from a small cut on a finger to paralysis that lasts a lifetime. Here, our San Antonio construction…

The Most Common Injury Accidents in the Texas Oil & Gas Industry
There is little doubt that workers in the oil and gas industry face a number of very serious risks while working at drilling sites and other areas. These accidents happen at a high rate, even though federal and Texas state laws require employers to provide their workers with the safest possible workplace at all…

[Study]: Great Concern Over Workplace Safety in Texas
According to the most recent statistics, Texas has led the nation in workplace deaths every year between 2009 and 2017. That means a Texas worker was dying every 16 hours by 2017. The workplace death toll was higher than the number of murders in Dallas, Fort Worth, Huston and Austin combined. Texas has the…

TxDOT Wants To Keep Everyone Safe in Road Work Zones
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and other agencies are taking concrete steps to address the issue of safety in road construction areas throughout the state, in a bid to protect both drivers and construction workers in work zones. Last month, TxDOT decided to address issues of safety in a road construction zone on…
[Report]: Texas Leads The Nation in Trench Collapse Fatalities
According to a Recent report from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the state of Texas is the nation’s leader when it comes to workplace fatalities caused by trench collapses. Last year, there were three such fatalities, including one infamous incident that happened here in San Antonio last March. On March 9 of…
Goodyear admitted to violating workplace safety laws and regulations more than 100 times
A recent investigation and report is questioning the commitment of multi-national tire maker Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company to safety. Unfortunately, their concerns run to both the customers who buy their tires as well as the people who make their various products. Over the course of six months, researchers looked at hundreds of state…
What To Do If You’re Injured on the Job in Texas?
A great many Texas workers put in long hours on the job every day, often in some of the most dangerous professions anywhere, including work at oil and gas drilling and refining sites, construction and many other professions. In some cases, workers are injured on the job because of repetitive or difficult movements, but…