Compensation for Victims of Street Racing Accidents in Texas

Compensation for Victims of Street Racing Accidents in Texas

Street racing is a major problem in Texas. This largely underreported crime endangers the lives of motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Street racing, drag racing, sideshows, street takeovers and freeway racing activities are not victimless crimes. If you or someone you love has been injured in a street racing accident in Texas, you may be entitled to financial compensation with the help of a car accident attorney in San Antonio.

Street Racing Is Illegal in Texas

Texas Transportation Code Section 545.351 states that no motor vehicle operator “may drive at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances then existing.” Under this law, all drivers must maintain speeds that are reasonable based on the current conditions and potential hazards, as well as necessary speeds to avoid causing a car accident. If speed limits are established in the area, these must also be met by drivers.

In addition to standard speeding limitations in Texas, Governor Abbott recently signed two new laws into effect to specifically protect citizens from illegal street racing. House Bill 1442 and House Bill 2899 enhance penalties for drivers found guilty of street racing and provide additional tools to law enforcement and prosecutors to address these crimes.

Who Is Responsible for Paying for a Street Racing Accident in Texas?

Texas is a fault state when it comes to liability (financial responsibility) for a car accident. This means the person or party at fault for causing the car accident must pay for a victim’s medical bills, property repairs and other losses. All drivers in Texas are required to show proof of financial responsibility, typically in the form of automobile insurance.

The following minimum amounts of car insurance are required:

  • $30,000 in bodily injury or death insurance per person
  • $60,000 in bodily injury or death insurance per accident
  • $25,000 in property damage insurance per accident

If a car accident victim can prove that the other driver involved was street racing or speeding at the time of the collision, this can provide evidence of that driver’s fault. This would make the street racer liable for the wreck and all resultant damages, meaning the victim could file a claim against that driver’s automobile insurance policy.

Street Racing Accident Compensation With an Uninsured Driver

Street racers are already breaking the law; it is not unusual for them to drive while uninsured, race in stolen vehicles and flee the scene of any car accidents that arise as a result of their illegal activities. If you get injured in a hit-and-run street racing accident – or if the drag racer stops at the scene but does not have insurance – your own uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) insurance can pay for your losses. Collision and comprehensive insurance can also help you financially recover from the crash.

Types of Financial Compensation Available for Street Racing Accidents

A victim who gets hurt in a street racing accident in Texas may be eligible for financial compensation for a variety of economic and noneconomic damages caused by the crash.

Examples include:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Property repairs
  • Permanent disability or disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Wrongful death damages

Punitive damages may also be available – an additional award intended to penalize or punish a defendant for severe misconduct or gross negligence.

When to Contact a Car Accident Lawyer in San Antonio

Several legal options may be available to you as a victim of a street racing accident in Texas, including an insurance claim, personal injury lawsuit or wrongful death claim. If you have been injured in this type of crash, contact a San Antonio personal injury attorney to discuss your rights. A San Antonio car accident lawyer can review your case and help you move forward with a claim.

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