Sheryl Sculley, Former San Antonio City Manager, Runner and Author

When Sheryl Sculley was hired in San Antonio to be the new city manager, she was confronted with a variety of issues that had long been neglected. From internet usage to wages, she had huge hurdles to overcome immediately. By the time she left, she had become the face of the police and fire…

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Law in 10: Texas Gun Safety Laws

Texas has a number of laws passed and created to protect people from the dangers associated with guns. Many of the laws are created to protect children and vulnerable populations from the dangers of guns. In our Law in 10 series, Steven Lopez and Justin Hill discuss some of these laws. Transcript: Justin Hill: Welcome…

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Poncho Nevarez, State Rep, Attorney, and Recovering Addict

Poncho Nevarez and Justin have been friends for a decade. Poncho was elected as a State Representative in 2013. Since then, he worked his way up into powerful positions. In 2019, he ran into trouble with drugs, got clean, chose not to run again, and joins us to talk about his journey into the…

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Unlicensed Cement Truck Driver Crash

Our client was rear-ended by a cement truck. The driver of that truck didn’t have a commercial driver’s license and he and his company knew that. Regardless, they let him have the keys to this large vehicle and put him on the road. He injured my client to the extent she had to have…

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Gavin Rogers, Pastor, Podcaster, and Social Justice Advocate

Gavin Rogers has been a pastor at Travis Park church for many years. He has been actively involved in serving immigrant communities, the homeless community and bringing attention to many other social issues in our city. He also runs the very successful Pub Theology that was once an in person meeting but has moved…

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New Cases at Hill Law Firm: July 2020

Hill Law Firm handles all types of personal injury cases in San Antonio and all over the State of Texas. In this episode, we discuss some of the cases we signed and filed in the past month or so. They include 3 different cases stemming from allegations of sexual abuse, a worker injured on…

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Leo Gomez, Brooks President & CEO and San Antonio Heavy Hitter

Leo Gomez was born and raised in the Rio Grande Valley but moved to San Antonio after finishing school. He has moved up through the city ranks through multiple Chambers of Commerce, the San Antonio Spurs, Toyota Manufacturing and various charities. Now, he runs one of San Antonio’s most exciting developments. Transcript: [music] Justin…

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Meet the Team: Steven Lopez Part 1

Steven Lopez is going to chronicle his transition into the San Antonio, Texas personal injury law practice at Hill Law Firm. At recording, he has been at the firm about 3 weeks and will join a few times to discuss. Join Steven and feel free to send us questions. Transcript: Justin Hill: Welcome to Hill…

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Most Common Causes of Medical Malpractice in Texas: Birth Injuries

Due to future economic needs for babies injured in the birthing process, they are some of the only medical malpractice claims in Texas that remain viable. The causes of birth injuries due to medical error can stem from failure to screen the mother and baby prior to the birth to failing to monitor the…

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Dr. Gary Slutkin, Physician, Epidemiologist, and Founder/Director of Cure Violence

Dr. Gary Slutkin has provided counsel and advice to elected leaders and health leaders across the United States regarding COVID-19. He has advised Mayor Ron Nirenberg and other Texas mayors. He has proven that epidemiological methods for disease reduction work and they work on things like violence. This was a fascinating discussion with a…

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