Fredericksburg Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Attorney

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is a serious health threat that can result in debilitating injuries and even death. Carbon monoxide poisoning can occur due to negligent product manufacturers, property owners and employers. If you or a loved one has suffered from CO poisoning in Fredericksburg, Texas, the attorneys at Hill Law Firm can help you seek fair financial compensation.

Our Fredericksburg CO poisoning attorneys can determine who is responsible and help you hold this party accountable. We accept clients in Fredericksburg and throughout Texas, including Boerne, San Antonio, San Marcos and Austin. Contact us for a free consultation.

Fredericksburg Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Resources

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Why Choose Our Lawyer?
What Makes Carbon Monoxide Poisoning So Lethal?
Possible Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Potential Long-Term Complications of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Common Causes of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
How Our Attorney Helps
What Damages Can Be Recovered in an Injury Lawsuit?
Speak to a Lawyer Today

Why Select Our Fredericksburg Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Lawyer?

  • We have many positive testimonials and law firm reviews that prove we are dedicated to our clients. You will receive one-on-one care and attention from your Fredericksburg personal injury attorney.
  • Our case results speak for themselves. Our personal injury lawyers have obtained millions of dollars on behalf of our clients in settlements and verdicts at trial.
  • We take carbon monoxide poisoning cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you will pay us $0 in attorney’s fees unless we secure compensation for your case.

Fredericksburg Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Attorney

What Makes Carbon Monoxide Poisoning So Lethal?

Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that is produced when a fuel is burned inefficiently, including gas, propane, charcoal or wood. Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when a victim inhales CO until it begins to replace the oxygen in the body’s blood cells. If too much carbon monoxide builds up in the blood, it can result in serious tissue damage, illness and death.

Carbon monoxide poisoning is so deadly because it often goes unnoticed until it is too late, as CO is an odorless and colorless gas. Most victims do not notice they are inhaling carbon monoxide until they are already suffering ill health effects. This is why safety precautions such as carbon monoxide detectors are critical in homes, buildings and workplaces.

Possible Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisonin

There are two types of carbon monoxide poisoning: acute and chronic. Acute poisoning means a victim is suddenly exposed to a large amount of carbon monoxide all at once. This can result in a sudden onset of serious symptoms, including cardiac arrest. If acute poisoning continues, it can cause neurological effects and death. Chronic CO poisoning refers to a lower amount of exposure for a steady period of time. Patients tend to have a better chance of making a full recovery from chronic or low-grade CO poisoning.

A victim suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning may experience dizziness, nausea and vomiting. Victims may also notice severe headaches, mental confusion, blurred vision or a feeling of lightheadedness. If left untreated, carbon monoxide poisoning can lead to shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue and loss of consciousness. In the most severe cases, CO will continue to build up in the bloodstream until it causes irreversible tissue damage and death.

Potential Long-Term Complications of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Even people who survive carbon monoxide poisoning can suffer long-term health effects and complications that can impact them for the rest of their lives. Common long-lasting side effects include:

  • Brain damage
  • Memory loss
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Heart abnormalities
  • Muscle weakness
  • Respiratory problems
  • Vision loss or changes
  • Parkinson’s disease

These debilitating health issues can result in expensive medical costs and ongoing care, as well as lost wages from being unable to work and a diminished quality of life.

Common Causes of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon monoxide poisoning can occur due to broken, defective or improperly installed equipment that burns fuel in an enclosed space, such as a home or garage. When fuel is not burned entirely, the gas the incomplete combustion gives off is toxic CO. Defective equipment can lead to a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer, while improper appliance installation could point to the liability of the installer.

Common causes of CO poisoning include:

  • Charcoal-burning equipment
  • Chemical heaters
  • Clogged vents or chimneys
  • Furnaces
  • Gas refrigerators
  • Gas-burning stoves
  • Generators
  • Grills
  • Heating systems
  • Kerosene heaters
  • Motor vehicles
  • Portable heaters
  • Small gasoline engines
  • Space heaters
  • Water heaters

If a building had a carbon monoxide detector that was not functioning properly at the time of the incident, the property owner could be held responsible in addition to the product manufacturer. Property owners are also responsible for inspecting, maintaining and repairing their fuel-burning appliances. An attorney can investigate your case to help you determine liability.

How Our Fredericksburg Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Lawyer Helps

Proving a carbon monoxide poisoning case can be difficult. As the plaintiff (filing party) in a personal injury or Fredericksburg wrongful death claim, you have the burden of proof. This means you are required to establish that the accused party (defendant) is at fault for your injury or a loved one’s death. This must be done using clear and convincing evidence to have a successful claim.

An attorney can help you meet the legal requirements by carefully investigating the incident and gathering evidence of negligence, or the failure to exercise reasonable care, by another party. A law firm will have the resources to go up against powerful adversaries, including product manufacturers and their insurance corporations, on your behalf. Your lawyer will fight for maximum financial compensation while you concentrate on healing.

What Damages Can Be Recovered in an Injury Lawsuit?

A successful injury case for carbon monoxide poisoning could provide financial compensation for the losses you have already suffered as well as future foreseeable costs. Depending on the severity of your injury, future estimated expenses could be substantial.

You may be eligible to receive financial compensation for the following:

  • Medical care and hospital bills
  • Treatments, therapies and rehabilitation
  • Ongoing health care
  • Medications and medical devices
  • Lost wages
  • Lost future earning potential due to long-term disability
  • Physical pain or impairment
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

If you experienced the tragedy of a loved one’s death due to fatal carbon monoxide poisoning, your family may qualify for wrongful death damages. These may include funeral and burial costs, lost income and inheritance, and loss of consortium. Discuss the potential value of your case with one of our Fredericksburg wrongful death attorneys before accepting an insurance settlement.

Speak to Our Fredericksburg Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Attorney Today

Help is available if you or a loved one has suffered from CO poisoning in Fredericksburg, Texas. We will review your case to help you understand your legal rights and options. Request a free consultation with our Fredericksburg carbon monoxide poisoning lawyer today. Call (210) 960-3939 or contact us online anytime.

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