San Antonio Lane-Switching Accidents

When a driver needs to change lanes, he or she must do so carefully, cautiously and in accordance with Texas’s applicable laws. Violating these rules can result in a preventable lane-switching accident. If you wish to pursue financial compensation from another driver for causing this type of crash in San Antonio, you may need help from an experienced car accident lawyer in San Antonio.

Texas’s Lane-Change Laws

Texas has specific laws in place for how a driver should switch lanes. These rules exist to prevent collisions between drivers on roads that are divided into two or more lanes of same-direction traffic. If these rules are broken, a driver may cause a lane-change or sideswipe accident.

According to Texas Transportation Code § 545.060, motorists:“(1) shall drive as nearly as practical entirely within a single lane; and (2) may not move from the lane unless that movement can be made safely.” A safe lane change means one that is done with regard to surrounding traffic and weather conditions.

In general, a driver should maintain a safe speed that matches the speed of the vehicles in the destination lane. The driver should show others the intent to change lanes by using a turn signal. The driver should look in the destination lane to make sure it is clear. Only then should the driver change lanes in a smooth and safe motion.

Large Trucks and Lane-Switching Accidents in San Antonio

Commercial trucks such as 18-wheelers are often involved in lane-switching accidents in San Antonio. This is because semi-trucks have large blind spots on all four sides of the vehicle. These blind spots may prevent a trucker from detecting other vehicles, potentially resulting in the truck driver changing lanes or merging on top of a smaller car.

Who Is Liable for a Lane-Switching Accident?

Texas is a fault state, which means the driver or party at fault for a car accident is responsible (liable) for paying for a victim’s crash-related bills and losses. As an injured victim of a lane-switching accident, you could collect compensation from the other driver by proving that he or she caused the crash with clear evidence.

In most cases, the driver who was changing lanes at the time of the collision is found to be at fault. However, the other driver may share some fault, as well. An investigation will be done to determine which driver was in violation of a traffic law at the time, such as a driver who crossed multiple lanes of traffic without stopping.

Pursuing Compensation After a Lane-Change Accident in San Antonio

Collecting fair compensation from another driver after a lane-change accident in Texas could help you move forward with the money you need to pay for your medical costs and property damage.

Take the following steps after your crash to protect your legal rights:

  1. Pull over and check yourself and your passengers for injuries.
  2. Put your hazard lights on to prevent further collisions.
  3. Call 911 immediately to report the accident, but do not admit fault.
  4. Seek medical attention for any injuries by requesting paramedics or going to the closest hospital.
  5. Exchange information with the other driver while you wait for the police.
  6. Give the police your side of the story and write down your police report number.
  7. Take photographs of the scene of the car accident before you leave.
  8. If there are any witnesses, write down their names and phone numbers.
  9. Contact the other driver’s car insurance provider to file a claim.
  10. Consult with a lawyer about your legal options.

Do not accept a settlement from an insurer until you’ve spoken to an attorney. A personal injury lawyer in San Antonio can review your case and help you go up against another driver’s insurance company to recover fair compensation for a lane-switching accident. Contact us today.

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