Soft-Tissue Injuries in San Antonio

In Texas, accident victims who suffer soft-tissue injuries due to the acts or omissions of other parties may be eligible for financial compensation. If you or a loved one has suffered a soft-tissue injury in San Antonio, get help with the legal process from an experienced San Antonio personal injury attorney.

What Is a Soft-Tissue Injury?

A soft-tissue injury refers to damage to the tissues in the musculoskeletal system that support and connect the “hard” tissues, such as the bones. If these areas sustain an injury in an accident, the victim can experience long-lasting pain, loss of mobility and other health complications.

Types of Soft-Tissue Injuries

The soft tissues are the parts of the body that lend support and connectivity to the surrounding bones and organs. They include muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, fat and nerves. When the soft tissues sustain an injury, it can be debilitating for the victim.

Common types of soft-tissue injuries include:

  • Sprains and strains
  • Tissue and ligament tears
  • Hyperextension (stretched beyond the tissue’s capacity)
  • Bruising and contusions
  • Hematomas 
  • Tendinitis (inflammation of the tendon)
  • Lacerations
  • Whiplash
  • Overuse or repetitive motion injuries

Soft-tissue injuries often affect the neck, back, wrists, knees, hamstrings, hips, elbows and shoulders. Anywhere there are soft tissues – often surrounding a joint – could suffer an injury in an accident.

What Are the Symptoms of a Soft-Tissue Injury?

Damage to a soft tissue could present symptoms such as ongoing or chronic pain, swelling, bruising or discoloration, weakness, muscle spasms, tenderness, stiffness, and reduced mobility in the affected area. If there is a hematoma, there may also be a hard mass at the site. Some soft-tissue injuries present symptoms immediately, while others may take hours or even days to show signs of damage.

How Do Soft-Tissue Injuries in San Antonio Happen?

Soft-tissue injuries can arise due to sources of blunt-force trauma or penetrating injuries. If you hit your hip on the ground in a slip and fall accident, for example, this could injure the underlying muscles.Many types of accidents in San Antonio can result in soft-tissue injuries:

Seek medical attention immediately if you notice any symptoms of a potential soft-tissue injury after an accident. Tell your doctor what happened and request copies of your medical bills and records. If you are diagnosed with a soft-tissue injury, discuss your next steps with a personal injury attorney in San Antonio.

Do I Need to Hire an Attorney After a Soft-Tissue Injury in San Antonio?

If someone else is to blame for your soft-tissue injury due to an act of negligence or recklessness, that person or party may be responsible for paying for your related bills and losses. This may include your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

However, soft-tissue injury claims can be difficult to prove. Unlike an injury such as a broken bone, soft-tissue damage typically does not appear on x-rays. You may need help from a personal injury lawyer in San Antonio to prove your injury and establish someone else’s liability.

A soft-tissue injury may require surgery to repair the damage and inflict long-term complications, such as limited mobility or arthritis. It is important not to settle for less than you deserve in this type of injury claim. Contact an attorney to represent you for the best possible case results.

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